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The Forsaken Converts of Russia

Ma'ariv (Sof-shavua Weekend Supplement)
November 28, 2008
By Eli Bardenstein

Part 5: "We can not turn our backs on them" (accompanying areticle)

The Subbotniks' legal battle is being financed by the Shavei Israel organization, headed by Michael Freund. Freund is convinced that the State is mistaken in its approach and declares that he will use all available means to bring about a change in the government's position.

"The Subbotnik Jews survived Czarist oppression followed by Communist persecution, and many were even murdered by the Nazis. Yet they continued to cling to their heritage. We can not turn our backs on them. Our goal is to convince the State to allow anyone among them who wishes to make aliyah to do so. And as for those who wish to remain there in Russia, we want to help them to continue to live a Jewish life."

Freund learned of the Subbotniks' plight several years ago. After visiting the community, he sent educational emissaries to Vysoki to help the youth learn Hebrew and Jewish history. His organization will soon be sending emissaries to a village of the Subbotnik Jews in Siberia as well.

At the same time, Shavei Israel is also financing the legal struggle of Vysoki's residents to make aliya to Israel. "We now have a small window of opportunity. If we do not act now, they might disappear due to assimilation. It is a terrible tragedy that no one else seems to care about what might happen to them," he says.

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